Saturday, May 16, 2020

Tuition Increase Essay - 835 Words

It is widely accepted that the future prosperity of Canada rests on having a well-educated workforce. Yet, the cost to students of post-secondary education has risen rapidly over the last few years as government funding has dropped dramatically. Since the early 1980s, public funding of post-secondary education in Canada has gone down by 30 percent. In addition, across Canada, about 1.1 million full-time students were enrolled in post-secondary institutions in 2001, but thousands have been turned away because of lack of space or they have not applied for admission because the cost of tuition is too high for them. Ontario has the second-highest tuition fees in the country. On average, tuition fees can cost an undergraduate student close†¦show more content†¦This does not mean that families are paying more for education, but it does mean that they are sacrificing other expenses in order to meet the cost of an education. The government is attempting to deflect anger over tuition increases by pointing to changes in student aid. But the fact is the tuition fee increase over the next four years will effectively wipe out more than the student financial assistance investment to be phased in over the same period. In fact, for every dollar invested in student aid more than a dollar will be clawed back through tuition fee increases. In effect, students are borrowing to finance their own student aid program. A post-secondary education is now out of reach for poorer Canadians. Those who can get to college and university often end up with debts on graduation, which can range anywhere from $30,000 for a four-year undergraduate program to $60,000 for those doing graduate studies. Professional faculties can lead to much higher debts: annual tuition at the University of Torontos medical school, for example, was more than $16,000 by 2003, and half of Canadas 16 medical schools were charging more than $10,000 a year. 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