Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Informative Speech About Brazil - 1001 Words

Name: Suleima Guzman Topic: Brazil I. Introduction A. Attention getter: Imagine yourself on a white sandy beach far away from all the books and term projects due this week or the next. Away from the crowded elevators, busy streets and crowded train rides. Now imagine yourself surrounded by thousands of people screaming and shouting out of joy, watching colorful floats pass you by. You find yourself moving along with the music playing and just can’t help yourself. This is just something you would probably experience if you were to spend a night in Brazil. B. Thesis: Brazil is a country known for its vibrant, colorful and lively culture. It has a lot to offer, from its great one of a kind vacation spots to the captivating sound of the†¦show more content†¦It is also the only country in South America to speak Portuguese. Transition: Next we have the important and memorable features of Brazil. III. Main Point #2 Topic Sentence: The Amazon River and the statue of â€Å"Christ the Redeemer† are just a few of Brazil’s landmarks. A: The most notable of Rios monuments is the statue of Christ the Redeemer. The statue is of Christ with his arms out at the top of the Corcovado Mountain. Standing 125 ft. tall at the peak of this mountain since 1931, it is considered to be Brazil’s national symbol. B: The Amazon River is another national landmark for Brazil. It is the second largest river in the world. It is habitat to rare mammals such as the boto, also known as the Amazon River Dolphin. The Characin, similar to piranhas. And in some shallow parts of the Amazon the Anaconda, one of the worlds largest species of snakes. C:One of Brazil’s most beautiful beach is the Brava Beach. It is located on north side of the island of Santa Catarina, in Florianà ³polis, the capital of the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. It offers beautiful crystal clear water, natural beauty and great waves for many surfers and bodyboarding tourist and locals. Transition: Finally we have culture. IV. Main Point #3 Topic Sentence: The culture of the people can be determined by their everyday hobbies, to what they listen to and eat. A: Compared to the majority of the other South American countries the national sport of Brazil is soccer. BrazilShow MoreRelatedMy Observations On Children And Adults1061 Words   |  5 Pagesexpressive drill for articulation. I noticed when he said one of his words ‘inventory’ he added an â€Å"a† at the end of it so it would be ‘inventorya’. The next thing Ben did was read books made by his Speech Language Pathologist from an app called Pictello. These books were made for him and they told about each of his jobs and what he did at those jobs. Ben has many jobs currently and has had a few different jobs in the past also. 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