Friday, December 20, 2019

Self-Damnation in Oedipus the King Essay - 1312 Words

Self-Damnation in Oedipus Rex (the King) Sophocles play Oedipus Rex (the King) is a tragic tale of fate and hubris. At first glance, it seems that the terrible fates of the main characters are merely the doings of mischievous or cruel gods. That Laios should die at the hands of his unknowing son, that Jocaste should later marry that son to commit the crime of incest, and that Oedipus, the son, should be the actor in both crimes all seem to be deeds scripted unfairly by the gods for their own pleasure. However, upon examining the evidence in the play, it becomes clear not only that Laios and Jocaste directly cause their own fates by abandoning the infant Oedipus to die on the mountain, but that Oedipus is himself a willing†¦show more content†¦Not only does Oedipus live, but he thrives and matures as a prince of Corinth. His royal upbringing has several consequences for the unsuspecting Laios and Jocaste. First, Oedipus is a noble young man. Upon hearing from the Oracle that his destiny is to murder his father and m arry his mother, breeding children with her (205), Oedipus promptly leaves the Corinthian territory in a loving and noble effort to avoid committing this terrible deed upon those whom he loves. It is during his journey of exile that the young prince happens upon King Laios and his party. Here, we see the second consequence of Oedipus royal upbringing: he is a proud and self-righteous fellow. Forced off the road by the charioteer of an obviously royal personage, Oedipus strikes back. As he later recalls to his wife/mother, Jocaste: I paid him back with interest! Short work, by god--with one blow of the staff In this right hand I knock him out of his high seat Roll him out of the wagon, sprawling headlong-- I killed them all--every mothers son! (206) Even years later, his wounded pride and terrible anger show in his recounting of the fight. 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